The Origin of today Japanese People
The today Japanese people are the result of the mixing of Jomon-people and Yayoi-people.
The Jomon-people are the native Japanese and there origin is in south-asia or south-east-asia. There main DNA-haplogroup is D2(D-M55).
The Yayoi-people are from an area in south-china near Yangze-river. There main Haplogroups are O2b and O3. They moved to the Japanese archipelago over sea and over the Korean pensuila and mixed with the native Jomon-people. --> The results are the today Japanese people.
The Japanese ethnic is build from the Yamato-Japanese, the Ryukyuans and the Ainu people. All are genetically related and share similar culture-roots.
So is the main religion Shinto derived from the Jomon Ko-Shinto. (old shinto)
The average DNA-haplogroups in all Japanese are: ~40-50% D2, 35-40% O2b and 25-30% O3.
Yamato-Japanese: 40-45% D2, 35% O2b and ~29% O3.
Ryukyuans: 70% D2, 20% O2b and 10% O3,
Ainu: 85% D2, 5% O2b, 5% O3 and 5% others.
Phenotypes of Japanese are mixed east-asian and south-east-asian. Sinodonty and Sunadonty are found both about 50/50. Sinodonty is the east-asian dental phenotype, Sunadonty is the south-east-asian and pacific-polynesian phenotype.
Geneticall connections exist with Tibetans, South-East-asians, native Taiwanese, Polynesians, some Chinese ethnics, Koreans and the Andamanese people of India.
Japanese people have compared to Koreans or Chinese more bodyhair. It is one of the unique phenotypes of Japanese.
Others are: little% of natural dark-brown hair, little% of natural green-brown eyes, natural brown eyes. Also a different face form compared to Koreans or Chinese show the unique DNA.

The Japanese language is part of the Japonic family, wich also include the Ryukyuan-languages and the isolated Ainu-itak. The Japonic family is a isolated family. There exist similarities with Austronesian family in Phonology and some Vocabulary. Similarities with Korean is the grammer and the shared Chinese-loanwords, but no native words.
All existing theorys are today seen as debunked and most linguists call Japonic a isolated language-family.
But it is mostly belived that there are some connections to Austronesian/Polynesian and to an extinct language spoke on the souther part of Korea.
Similaritis are also found with Dravidian.
Also with several Indo-european languages, but these similarities are mostly seen as coincidence.